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white cat

High blood pressure in cats – the silent danger

Middle aged to older cats can suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). It occurs when a cat’s arterial blood pressure is continually higher than normal. This can be the result of worsening renal function or hyperthyroidism (elevation in thyroid hormone) but mostly we just don’t know why it happens. High blood pressure can affect many…


Healthy Teeth

Dogs, like us, have two sets of teeth during their lives. The deciduous (baby) teeth appear shortly after birth and are replaced by the permanents at around four to six months of age. Deciduous teeth cause few problems except where they are retained beyond about eight months of age. If this occurs, displacement of the…


Fleas and Worms. The Itchy info….

Worms are a concern for all cats and dogs but the risk is much higher for puppies, kittens and immunocompromised animals (due to illness, age or medication). In puppies and kittens, severe worm burdens can be life threatening due to underdeveloped immune systems. Wormy puppies and kittens will often be weak, have a swollen tummy,…


Festivity Season Hazards for Your Pets

Christmas is fraught with potential dangers to your pets.  Items safe and enjoyable for humans can be dangerous for our furry friends. Here are the most common potential hazards. Chocolate. Wrapped up easily accessible under the Christmas tree, the festive season is the most common time to see chocolate toxicity in dogs. Containing theobromine, which…


Ear Disease

Duck shooting doesn’t seem to cause many concerns for our canine companions, usually only a few cuts and bruises that are insignificant compared to the enjoyment derived from the exercise. However getting damp in water for long periods can give rise to a flare up of ear disease (otitis externa). Some dogs seem prone to…


Dogs in Hot Cars – New regulations

New regulations are in force meaning that if you leave your dog in a parked car and it is showing signs of heat distress you can receive a fine and a broken car window. Dogs quickly suffer and die in hot cars, so please leave your dogs at home. If you leave a dog in…


Desexing your dog – when’s the best time?

WHEN’S THE BEST TIME TO HAVE YOUR DOG DESEXED? Recently, if and when to spay (female) or castrate (male) your dog has become a topic of debate and everyone seems to have slightly different opinions. The reason for this is that there is pros and cons of performing this procedure at different ages, and these…


Cannabis Toxicity in Dogs

In the words of the old song, can a pet “take a trip and never leave the farm”, even in this Covid-19 era of travel restrictions? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. More and more frequently we are presented with dogs who are acting strangely and who are known to, or suspected of having ingested, someone’s…



General stiffness, slowing down, difficulty rising…  Is it just old age? Our senior pets may show subtle signs or be quite obvious in their attempts to tell us about their problems.  One of these problems that we commonly see is arthritis.  Signs may include lameness in one or more legs, difficulty getting up in the…


close up photo of cat

An Insight For Sore Eyes

The old saying goes; “the eyes are the window to the soul” and I’m sure most, if not all, pet owners could probably attest to this when their little critter stares deeply into their own, especially around dinner time. Which is why we need to make sure we look after our companions’ eyes this summer…
